Layer Marketplace: The Medium for Transacting Data Economy Enablers

Layer Marketplace Launches December
Get Capsule
Generate an AI Data Capsule

Data Economy App Hosts The Collection, Transmission and Monetization of Data

New User Onboarding
Layer Marketplace has two distinct user experiences - for existing (experienced) and new (retail) community members. New users will enter the ecosystem by buying a Data Capsule from pre-existing users.
Retail User Onramp
Layer Marketplace will act as a complete user on-ramp: from choosing & acquiring your Data Capsule to earning within our network.
Mobile Experience
Fit for the masses, destined for mainstream adoption, with the added incentive of attracting users via 2-earn.
Data Capsules
Data Capsules will enable earning from contributing data to the ecosystem. As NFTs, Data Capsules will be traded on the Layer Marketplace.
Peer-to-Peer Market
Data Capsules, transacted on Layeer Marketplace, are defined by their earning capacity, longevity, and other characteristics, which dictate their effectiveness in earning DATUM reward tokens.
Desktop Marketplace

Layer Marketplace on Desktop

Desktop Marketplace that offers superior insights and Capsule comparability. Perfect for existing ecosystem members that have staked LAI tokens and can easily switch over to trade Capsule in their browser.
Mobile Marketplace

Layer Marketplace on Mobile

Mobile Marketplace is the superior entry point for new ecosystem entrants. Within the Data Capsule app, it explains the LayerAI economy, significance of acquiring your Data Capsule, with a medium to do it via easy fiat onramp.

Layer Marketplace: Transact NFTs Built that Enable Rewards in the AI Decade

You can acquire Data Capsule NFTs that determine your rewards for browsing
Layer Marketplace Launches December
Get Capsule

Use Layer Marketplace to Identify Highest Longevity Capsules

Tier 1
Longevity: 12 months
Tier 2
Longevity: 18 months
Tier 3
Longevity: 24 months
Tier 4
Longevity: 30 months
Tier 5
Longevity: 36 months

Layer Marketplace Enables Perfect Market Information

Track stats, longevity metrics, earning capacity to determine Capsule's value
Learn About the Stats
Analyze and Find Undervalued Assets

AI Capsule Layer Marketplace Analytics Tools: Analyze & Acquire Data AssetsDetails

Parsing strength
Computational strength
Layer Marketplace Launches December
Get Capsule

$LAI Token Available On

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