LayerAI Metrics - LAI Token

Circulating Supply: 4,600,000,000
Total Supply: 6,100,000,000
Circulating supply breakdown:

3,000,000,000 on Ethereum blockchain
1,600,000,000 on LayerAI Layer-2
Validator Emissions (New Mints on top):
Year 1
Up to 183.916793506 LAI tokens minted per block (every
2seconds) i n Year 1
Year 2
Up to 190.258751903 LAI tokens minted per block (every
2seconds) i n Year 2
With the start of the LayerAI Mainnet on July 10 2024, there has so far been 1,579,278,086
tokens unlocked and allowed to be minted
as validator reward fees (data as of March
15, 2025).
LAI - LayerAI Mainnet
3,000,000,000 ETH Supply
(Mirrored for Token swaps from LAI ETH to LAI LayerAI Mainnet)
100,000,000 Pre-mint of Validator Rewards
Validator Emissions (New Mints on top):
Year 1
Up to 183.916793506 LAI tokens minted per block (every 2seconds) in Year 1
Year 2
Up to 190.258751903 LAI tokens minted per block (every 2seconds) in Year 2
With the start of LayerAI Mainnet on July 10, 2024, there has so far been 1,315,568,134.83 tokens unlocked and allowed to be minted as validator reward fees (data as of January 8, 2025).
Circulating supply across ETH + LayerAI Mainnet:
3,000,000,000 on ETH
1,315,568,134.83 on LayerAI Mainnet as Validator Rewards
100,000,000 as Validator Rewards Pre-Mint
Total supply: 9,000,000,000 (9 billion)
100,000,000 pre-mint on LayerAI Mainnet
183.916793506 per block on LayerAI Mainnet Year 1 (3,000,000,000 total)
190.258751903 per block on LayerAI Mainnet Year 2 (3,000,000,000 total)
For a total of 9,000,000,000 Total and Max supply